TRASHCAN File Deletion for Windows 3.1 File Manager (FMTC14.ZIP) ============================================== Description: TRASHCAN is a freeware utility to allow the user to set drag a file or files from the Windows 3.1 File Manager (FM). FM allows simple deletion using just the Delete key, but even with Options / Confirmation / [ ] File Delete turned off, you must still hit the OK button to confirm the deletion. TRASHCAN permits the more intuitive drag and drop of files into the Trash Can without requiring the deletion confirmation. Initial Installation Instructions: 1. Put TRASHCAN in your Program Manager STARTUP Group as "File Manager Trash Can" and set the "[X] Run Minimized" option. Other Info: TRASHCAN is a very small program and only has a single display which is the "About..." dialog. To display the "About..." box, just perform a Restore operation such as double-clicking on the TRASHCAN icon once the program has been started. This program requires Windows 3.1 or greater. It should work on future versions of Windows, but hopefully future version of File Manager won't require the single delete confirmation and this program can be thrown in the bit bucket. Requirements: Microsoft Windows 3.1 Microsoft Windows 3.1 File Manager Distribution: Feel free to distribute this program at will and without any restrictions as long as you don't charge for it or delete this text file from the ZIP! Version History: 1.0 - found that confirmation bug in File Manager only disabled the double confirmation feature. No matter what you do, you still have to confirm all deletions. 1.1 - verified operation under 3.1 Debug Mode 1.2 - fixed Alt-Tab problem (thanks, JRG). If you Alt-Tab from a DOS Prompt to the TrashCan and release - then try to Alt-Tab from the TrashCan back to the DOS Prompt, Windows would lock. Fixed! - apparently close didn't work with About... dialog. Fixed! 1.3 - added ability to make window top most via command line parameter - Specifiy "-TOP" or actually "-T" on the command line and TrashCan will be created as a TOPMOST window. (thanks, AK) 1.4 - fixed repainting of icon (thanks to Q74539 author) Known Problems: * none Future Enhancements: * Should imbed a WAV to sound like the trash can lid is closing or like something is being dropped into bottom of an empty trashcan! If anyone has the ability to record such a sound, please forward to me and I'll imbed it. bd ============================================================================= If you have any suggestions, send them on. We listen! Bob Duffett CIS: 73730,252 MCI: PRIORITY Priority Software, Inc. P.O. Box 5548 Athens, GA 30604 (404) 548-4039 (404) 543-7250 FAX =============================================================================